
Gender Groups: From Life to Love and Love to Life.

Precongress days: 16th and 17th of July

PRE-CONGRESS OPENNING CEREMONY: “Teatro Heredia&quot (1911). – Plaza de la Merced #38-10

Precongress workshops:

La Presentación School: Centro Cr 2, Playa del Tejadillo.

Cartagena, Bogotá.

Tel. (57 5) 6644918

Luiz Cuschnir, M.D., Brazil
Brief Workshop Description

This workshop will be developed around the following thoughts:

– How do I see myself as a man or as woman: In which life situations am I one or the other?

– How is love positioned in my life?

– In which situation do I find childhood love? Teenage love? Adult life love?

– Love’s Pizza for my mother, father and for myself. Which models did I receive? How do they relate to me today? My love fountain.

– Division of men and women groups to share the pizza. Self-presentation.

– In which place do I feel he’s in? In which personal place in me?

– I transform myself into love; I am my own love… What shape do I have?

– Mirror, I see myself

– Dialogue.

– Group Division to discuss how love is for men or for women.

– Retrospective of previous steps until now.

– How are you up until now in relation to love, in subgroups?

– How could you show the other group how masculine or feminine love is?

– The assisting group gives its interpretation without establishing dialogues.The other group does the same.

– Both groups redo the sculpture that tries to integrate. Both men and women will meet.

Grupos de Género: De la Vida al Amor y del Amor a la Vida.

Precongresso dias 16 y 17 de Julio

PRE-CONGRESSOPENNING CEREMONY: “Teatro Heredia” (1911). – Plaza de la Merced#38-10

Precongress workshops:

La Presentación School: Centro Cr 2, Playa del Tejadillo. Cartagena, Bogotá.
Tel. (57 5) 6644918

Luiz Cuschnir, M.D., Brazil
Descripción Breve del Taller

Este taller será desarrollado a través de las siguientes reflexiones:

¿Cómo me veo como hombre o como mujer: En cuáles escenarios de mi vida soy uno/a u otro/a?

¿Cómo está el amor en mi vida? ¿En cuál escena encuentro ese amor en mi infancia? ¿En mi adolescencia? ¿En mi vida adulta?

¿La pizza del amor para mi madre, para mi padre y para mí. ¿Cuáles modelos recibí? ¿Qué tienen que ver hoy conmigo? Mis fuentes de amor.

Separación de los grupos de hombres y mujeres para compartir la pizza. Auto-presentación.

¿En qué lugar siento que él está? ¿En qué lugar de mí?

Me transformo en amor, soy el amor mío….., ¿Qué forma tengo?

Espejo, me veo.

Separación de los grupos para compartir cómo es el amor para hombres o para mujeres.

Retrospectiva de los pasos hasta ahora.

¿Cómo están hasta ahora con relación al amor, en subgrupos? ¿Cómo podrían mostrar al otro grupo cómo es el amor masculino o femenino?

El grupo de asiste da su interpretación, sin establecer diálogos. El otro grupohace lo mismo.

Ambos grupos hacen de nuevo la escultura que intenta mezclarse y hay un encuentro entre hombres y mujeres.

When powerful women turn to be conquerors women

Congress – 19th of July

Workshop (WS34) at 13:45 -15:30

Room Comision 5 at the Convention Center Cartagena de Indias “Julio César Turbay Ayala”

Have you ever worked with your power as a woman? It is vey important each woman understand about her female side and be able to look at herself first her female essence and how she is dealing with her strongness and her weakness as well. Sometimes is easier to go throught the vitimization as a woman and kidnappes her.

Empowering women we achieve the feminine essence. Each woman needs to reach her own potentiality to be able to understand more from herself and her female side. The first identity is to be a woman and from this comes all roles she has (daughter, sister, lover, wife, friend, professional etc). For many years Dr.Luiz Cuschnir has developed psychotherapeutic approaches for gender issues. Women and men have being benefited with a special way of looking through their identities as well as readers from his books about this theme.

A group approach based in Psychodrama action in a sociodramatic view, women will be able to experience this matter also with a Transpersonal sight. Through Transpersonal exercises and internal Psychodrama the group as a Sociodramatic cell turns to a sharing and is able to build the Power of Being Females.

Site do IAGP 2012: XVIII International Congress of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes